Your leading expert in environmentally and socially acceptable solutions for organic waste disposal.
Our mission is to provide you high quality, cost-effective environmental solutions for organic waste disposal, via our flagship product, the BIOvator in-vessel composter.
Is the BIOvator right for you?
The BIOvator® is perfect for any business that produces organic waste like restauraunts, grocery stores, hospitals, zoo’s and livestock farmers.

Over 1000 units in operation helping businesses make a positive impact on the environment worldwide.
How to compost organic waste using BIOvator
Learn how the BIOvator® in-vessel composter brings your waste back to life in less than two weeks and can compost up to 1500lbs of organic waste everyday. Leaving you with a nutrient rich compost material, ready to use on-site. This method outproduces traditional composting in a safer more effective way to help stop the spread of disease.
Nioex Systems is a proud member in good standing of the following associations:
Bring waste back to life
Ready to start making your own compost?
Contact our team to learn how the BIOvator® can become a proven asset for your business.